IRIS Enterprises

Information Requirements
Intelligent Solutions
for the success of your business endeavors


Business Planning and Marketing Research



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Business Planning and Marketing Research


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If you are interested in discussing our programs, please contact us direct:

IRIS Enterprises
4451 Lakeside Drive
Eveleth, MN 55734-4400 USA

Telephone: +1-218-744-1615


Ask for Carol or Chuck

Ihre Kontaktperson ist Charles Morello


Possessing the information is not enough ...
... it's knowing what the information means and how to use that knowledge for your advantage in the marketplace.

What is Re-engineering?

One of the popular buzz-words in corporate America in the 1990s was re-engineering. Since then – and coupled with all the changes in the business world since then –, the popularity of re-engineering has been driven by internal need to meet external pressures: 

  • Large corporations are under pressure from present and potential investors to reduce staffing levels and to strengthen the "tooth to tail" ratio (i.e., product or service producers to administrators or support staff) to remain profitable.
  • Unexpected competition takes over a portion of a company's market share, resulting in rapid, unplanned, and unorganized downsizing to remain within budget. 
Some corporations have used the call for re-engineering to simply downsize their tail without a healthy and logical look at the impact of the downsizing on overall production. One of the obvious impacts is the massive assault this places on the bureaucracy (from executives to secretaries, from shift supervisors to freight clerks), where an immediate result of fiscal gain is achieved – often with the long-term effect of slowing production. 

Re-engineering calls for a fundamental re-thinking of what a company does, how and where it does it, why it is done, and who or what is doing each step. This should start out with a look at the entire process and not elements of the process in isolation. While the focus is on working more efficiently, the review of business operations should keep an eye on the goals of the long-range plan also. Many hasty re-enginnering reviews achieve short-term "success" while cripling the long-term plan. 

IRIS Enterprises can assist your company by developing a functionality-oriented measurement process that focuses on the total process rather than on simply cutting costs (and jobs). This will allow senior managers to fine tune the picture of larger business operations with each re-engineering step. 

Re-engineering cannot be conducted in a vacuum. At IRIS Enterprises we find it essential to involve all levels of the company in identifying and implementing re-engineering improvements, and to look at the competitive situation in the marketplace. 

If you would like an impartial, external review of your business process, IRIS Enterprises is the place to turn. 

We welcome your inquiries.

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This page last updated 2006-06-28